Known as the Golden Residence Permit Programme, Portugal’s Residence by Investment Programme has been operating since October 2012. It is the ideal solution for non-European citizens seeking the freedom to live and work in Portugal and travel across the Schengen Area.
However, in the most recent law issued in March 2024, the regulations on how to participate in the Portuguese Golden Visa have changed.
Portugal’s mild climate, rich culture, exceptional cuisine and exquisite scenery have encouraged many high-net-worth individuals to make this wonderful Iberian nation their second home. It boasts several potentially lucrative avenues for investment, with opportunities rife in manufacturing, tourism, and green energy.
The programme is open to investors and certain family members and can be obtained even while maintaining an alternative residence elsewhere. The residence authorisation can be renewed for an initial period of two years and then for consecutive five-year periods, provided the residency requirements have been fulfilled.
- Visa-free travel across the Schengen Area
- The right to live, work, study, and undertake business in Portugal
- Exceptional levels of safety and security, excellent education opportunities, and high quality healthcare
- Minimal residency requirements
- Eligibility for citizenship after 6 years of residence
- Family reunification
Applicants can choose between a series of capital transfers. Processing fees apply.
- Capital transfer in scientific research institutions
EUR 500,000 - Capital transfer in investment funds or venture capital funds
EUR 500,000 - Capital transfer artistic output or national heritage
EUR 250,000
Applicants pursuing this option must create at least ten jobs in Portugal. Processing fees apply.
- Creation of a minimum of ten new jobs. Eight new jobs in a low population density area
- EUR 500,000 for the incorporation of a commercial company that is registered and headquartered in Portugal, creating a minimum of five permanent jobs for a period of three years (or for the increase of the share capital of a company already incorporated and headquartered in Portugal, creating at least five permanent jobs or maintaining at least ten jobs for three years)
The Portuguese Residency by Investment Programme is solely for residency, however upon fulfilment of certain requirements, individuals may be eligible for citizenship after five years of legal residence in Portugal.
After residing in Portugal for five years, applicants can apply for citizenship via naturalization. Requirements for naturalization include being at least 18 years of age, basic knowledge of the Portuguese language, can demonstrate successful integration, and have not been convicted for a crime that corresponds to a penalty to or more than three years according to Portuguese law.
If successful, naturalised citizens can apply for a Portuguese passport.
Applicants must have made their investment before applying and submit the proof of investment as well as their intentions to maintain it for at least five years.
- Step 1:
Interested applicants must submit an application at the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Services (SEF). - Step 2:
Submit the application along with documentation. - Step 3:
Pay all the relevant fees. - Step 4:
Wait for confirmation from the SEF. - Step 5:
Schedule an appointment to submit your application at a local branch of the SEF.
What are the investment options under the Portugal Residency by Investment Programme?
- Capital transfers
- Job creation
Applicant Eligibility
To be able to apply for this program, you should be at least 18 years of age, have sufficient funds to make the investment, in good health, and be in good standing with the Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority and Social Security.
All third country citizens are eligible to apply, however, EU and EEE nationals are not eligible for the programme.
Which family members can I include in my application for economic citizenship?
After receipt of a residence permit, the main applicant may apply for residence permits for the following family members:
- Spouse
- Children, biological or adopted, of the main applicant or of the spouse, if under the age of 18, disabled and dependent upon the main applicant or spouse.
- Children, biological or adopted, of the main applicant or of the spouse aged 18 or over, unmarried, enrolled in an educational establishment, and dependent on the main applicant or spouse.
- Dependent parents of the main applicant or of the spouse
- Siblings of the main applicant in his or her care according to a decision delivered by the competent authority of the Member States and recognised by Portuguese law
Is there a residency requirement?
The residence requirement includes a seven-day stay within the first year, and 14 days every subsequent two years.
How long does it take to process a residency by investment application?
From submission of the application to an approval in principle, applicants are generally expected to wait from 18 months
Are citizens of certain countries not allowed to apply?
- Applications are welcomed from all nationalities.
- Duration of the residence permit
- The residence permit can be renewed for an initial two-year period, then for consecutive five-year periods
Is This Programme for Me?
The Portugal Residency by Investment Programme allows qualified applicants to obtain permanent residence status in Portugal, even while living elsewhere and retaining their citizenship of birth.
The following may also be a good fit for the programme:
- Individuals and families who want to enjoy visa-free access to Europe’s Schengen Area
- Investors looking to invest in Portugal
- Families who want to live, study, and/or undertake business in Portugal
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